So, this is going to be all around random. (the title includes some of today's top searches on xx search engine. go figure! looking for it all - $, food, and entertainment)
1st, Greg doesn't have to go to Iraq! He's getting shipped somewhere in the americas! yeah! i can't remember which state he said, and he will be able to finish his class! YEAH!
2nd...thank God for TDY!
if some happen to return?
let go and trust...lose your life to find it. the time is now. i'm ready. thank God for TDY! thank God for TDY!
who can be defined by life when life offers no definition? it's got to be more, my friend...like i told your buddy - owe baby, baby it's a wild world! be careful out there, bro. if only you could have experienced that guy on the subway in France w/the things i've seen and done as a back thought on top of this brilliant display of expression. that was more than cool!
the doors opened, he jumps on w/an acoustic guitar and starts jamming Cat Stevens "Wild World", belting it out in english! train stops, song ends, he gets out. it was completely surreal! beautifully executed. were we the only people who knew what he was singing?
i should be on the way to Silver Spring, b/c i hate traffic. but 2:00 was just insanely too early for a 7pm meetup. one can only work out for so long before collapsing! and the Count of Monte Cristo is just in a tough spot right now.
yes, i'm still monitoring.
why are you still coming here? me thoughts you would have long forgotten us...we'll see, we'll see. it's all good. gotta see for yourself, hu?
a lot of things that make one go hmmmm.....
ps. i'm 32 now.