
Randomness Tax deduction American Idol Mcskillet burrito?

So, this is going to be all around random. (the title includes some of today's top searches on xx search engine. go figure! looking for it all - $, food, and entertainment)
1st, Greg doesn't have to go to Iraq! He's getting shipped somewhere in the americas! yeah! i can't remember which state he said, and he will be able to finish his class! YEAH!
2nd...thank God for TDY!
if some happen to return?
let go and trust...lose your life to find it. the time is now. i'm ready. thank God for TDY! thank God for TDY!
who can be defined by life when life offers no definition? it's got to be more, my friend...like i told your buddy - owe baby, baby it's a wild world! be careful out there, bro. if only you could have experienced that guy on the subway in France w/the things i've seen and done as a back thought on top of this brilliant display of expression. that was more than cool!
the doors opened, he jumps on w/an acoustic guitar and starts jamming Cat Stevens "Wild World", belting it out in english! train stops, song ends, he gets out. it was completely surreal! beautifully executed. were we the only people who knew what he was singing?
i should be on the way to Silver Spring, b/c i hate traffic. but 2:00 was just insanely too early for a 7pm meetup. one can only work out for so long before collapsing! and the Count of Monte Cristo is just in a tough spot right now.
yes, i'm still monitoring.
why are you still coming here? me thoughts you would have long forgotten us...we'll see, we'll see. it's all good. gotta see for yourself, hu?
a lot of things that make one go hmmmm.....
ps. i'm 32 now.



(pic to come shortly)
The war in Iraq never quite hit me too deeply until now.
In my pc repair class there is this young guy named Greg. At first, he just seemed like a regular young guy with lots of character. the teacher picked on him in a fun way, and he just brought a lot of entertainment to the class...in an amusing way. i first took him for a linux geek, which actually is not a bad thing. it's highly admired, in my eyes. i wanted to know about him, not romantically, but just, as a person, he seemed really interesting. i waited and waited before class, a small chunk of our class sat outside waiting and would talk before the doors opened to our room. it would never be too deep, but i just kept listening and waiting and once in a while would step in and try to spread a little love. then, one day, Greg brought up that he might be drafted again to go to Iraq after he had already served. when i looked at him, he had a serious look that i couldn't ignore and commanded an ear. i acknowledged his comment and he shared stories from Iraq that pretty much broke my heart. the look in his eyes were unexplainable. i don't know him very well, but my heart went out to him in this circumstance. how devastating.
today, in class, he gave me a look as i was walking back to my chair during lab time, but i wasn't sure that he had something to say, so i kept walking...but he commanded my attention and went to the heart of his concern. he told me he had just received the call to report for active duty this friday. how could anything else be anymore important than to hear this young man's heart and see the look of dread and unexplanable emotions when i looked into his eyes.
we all have our flaws, and Greg has his issues, but...what a precious life. i will definitely be praying for this young man. the feelings of helplessness could overwhelm me and make me very sad, but that's why i'm so grateful for prayer...b/c prayer accomplishes what is impossible for us to do. God, keep Your hand on Greg's life and reveal Your love to Him in this time of chaos. Bring Your peace to fill his heart, mind, body and soul. What a precious life, what a precious young man.


Top 10 Driving Phrases with blurb

I'd love to hear your thoughts/comments below about something you like to say while driving, or would add to the top 10 list if you could.

10) If your lost, drive like your not!
9) USE YOUR BLINKER, MAN!! or ["Nice turn signal!" said with HEAVY sarcasm] (not using your blinker brings confusion and wastes other peoples time, and yours - but most people don't usually think that far into it while they are driving)
8) Your going to get yourself killed! or, your going to get us killed!!! - for those who are scared, or just driving slow when merging onto major freeways going 20-30mph
7) Pick a lane! (for those who drive in between lanes)
6) STAY IN YOUR LANE! - for those who drift into your lane when you drive by them
5) AHHHH! Open road!! (when there are no cars in front/back of me far as thee i can see)
4) Come in, Buddy, come in! If you have your blinker on and your trying to merge onto the freeway/audubon, keep an eye out on the drivers and car lights/horn...they may be trying to let you in! so, pay attention and be ready to merge!!!!
3) Ya missed it! Ya non-driver! (for the person trying to merge, but not paying attention to the traffic to know whether to gun it, coast or break into the flow of traffic and missing a perfect opportunity)
2) Skinny pedal on the right!
1) GET OFF YOUR CELL PHONE AND DRIVE!!!!! aka. i love you man, but you gotta get off of the road!

***********!!!!!!!DRIVE TO SURVIVE!!!!!!!***********

Also, don't you just love when you get behind those people driving below the speed limit with their right arm around the passenger seat head rest? Or the person who is digging around in their car while driving, hence, causing their automobile to have eratic speeds and swirving? Upon seeing that, i know there will be a fun time ahead if not in "chill" mode...which happens rarely.
I think we are afraid to look at other people when we are driving now a days b/c of the stories we hear about people that shoot others, taking road rage to a new level.
It's funny that I used to teach driver's ed, and if i didn't think the student was competent enough to drive, i would fail them and they would have to practice more before going for a provisional. My boss, however, was very unhappy about this b/c customers became irate that it wasn't an easy -pass-. Being that these students (unfortunately, it was mainly the older people -60 and above- and foreigners that spoke no english) were going to be driving in my neighborhood, i REALLY didn't want to meet up with them on the road somewhere if they couldn't control the car, even with me helping them.
Just in case you're wondering, those days are over!


Flip it!

if it's so easy to see what's wrong with people, it's also just as easy to believe the promises of God for them also!
Just flip that function...rewire...it's possible!
ahhh...the smell of my roomates bread from the toaster is wonderful!
there was a hole in the blackness that fell away like a frail piece of ragidy cloth that crumbles like ash. a whole kingdom was on the outside and hands were pulling out and into a wonderful, rich, warm place... who could have imagined that it could be so good that everything from the past was dissolved away in the midst of the beauty and love?