1) My hair is getting really long. i can't wait for it to get past my butt!
2) Do i really want to get a 2010 Camaro? I might get speeding tickets b/c flooring it to feel the torque will be irresistible!
3) I am flourishing on my bed. it sounds odd, and could provoke negative thoughts, but to me it makes sense, since i never slept as a kid and was advised by a medical professional to do whatever i wanted as long as i kept quiet while everyone slept. so, now, i think it seems an inviting place for me to relax, study, work and unwind. i have the exercise bands dangling from the top bunk, the geetar close at hand, the MAC and all its wonderful resources, and good ol' fashioned books all around. it is my entertainment center, if you want to call it that. i really enjoy my room!
4) this remote is great! i wish i could repeat just this CD. i'm feeling too lazy to program it to.
5) i hope i don't forget my cell phone tomorrow morning.
6) maybe its time to wear socks to bed. i'll try tonight to see if that helps with the morning issue.
7) will i be able to keep going to work at 6am, or will i have to wait to go in later with this new position? guess it won't matter, as i'll have to stay late anyway. we'll see. if i keep going in at 6am i'll get lots more overtime!
8) i want an 8 hour massage!
9) is my brain resisting new information? or just forced information? fickle thing
10) man, my hair is really long.
11) i hope 4 more classes won't take more than 1 or 2 years. i'd really like to start programming for money soon!