this lil series was one of my favorite interpretations.
this is just a random shot of an odd holiday bedazzlment in someones front lawn...this one shot is outside of the Christmas sheen city block.
ahhhh! now this is what life's all about.
this lil series was one of my favorite interpretations.
this is just a random shot of an odd holiday bedazzlment in someones front lawn...this one shot is outside of the Christmas sheen city block.
ahhhh! now this is what life's all about.
p.s.- the 2 hour logs burn longer than 2 hours! however, we still love burning the real logs also. There's a strange satisisfaction in making fire...reminds me of the scene from Castaway...."I HAVE MADE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"gazing deeply and the images in your mind become more clear than the ones your eyes see
yeah, yeah, i know it's cheesy....
eyes especially photochopped in reason, just you think it look a lil' creepy?
not your ordinary view of the tree
does this look like a cheesy ad-besides the unwhite balanced coat of warm tones?
i'm not sure why i like this horrible shot.
seeing it in person and going to shoot it up close, makes me want to laugh, scream, run and frolic through it!!!!!!......but i don't think the owners would appreciate that too much,.....and a lot of cars go by this intersection. (it's at a four way stop sign....and remember, the person who gets to the stop sign first gets to go!! and.....USE YOUR BLINKER IF YOUR TURNING!....hehe)