yeah, yeah, i know it's cheesy....
eyes especially photochopped in reason, just you think it look a lil' creepy?
not your ordinary view of the tree
does this look like a cheesy ad-besides the unwhite balanced coat of warm tones?
i'm not sure why i like this horrible shot.
going a lil' overboard
ok, so i lost the original post, and you know when you do it again, it's never quite the same...heart wrenching. so, here's a go at it. i know i'm getting into the photo thing now, and your being swamped with massive Christmas images that you probably have around you also, but...ah....the passion for the post has left me. the fiest, the bite...anyway, you just gonna have to deal with the Christmas theme a lil' longer...if not, you can always opt out at any moment. right?