i have such an awesome time "seeing" after we talk...
what beauty is revealed even though we are so different.
it doesn't reveal you or i to be superior or inferior in any way...
but gently and lovingly reveals important things that i didn't have the courage or clue to see about myself by myself.
it's not the most comfortable time, yet...i would not trade one moment...
to grow...
i'm so hungry for this growth ~ to see even more........more freedom to put love into action, to see it.
there's nothing i desire more than to live like this! experiencing the revelation and reality...to feel, to live, to love...alive!!
i want to be molded like this, even though it's uncomfortable...it's powerful!
to experience "His" love, in action - more.....More....MORE....thank you~
oh! that my prayers would not cease, but, continue like the air i breathe~
the heart drinks it in and lives~