Can the linux guru find me? ha, ha, ha!
Here i am guru! will you take the red pill?
ok, ok, i guess i should start blogging about something that people actually care about?
i sit here foolin around on the mac while installing linux fedora core 3.0 onto a dinosaur 486!
7 more DVD's to install for the full package and the bluetooth on the razr decides to become grumpy with the mac and will not play nice. humph! So, the pics will have to wait until they can kiss and make up.
tomorrow is going to be a strong coffee day...the pattern of consuming this legal drug begins again as crazy schedule resumes.
it could be a little less...but...we'll see...it's only @1.5 months of wackness.
i can't believe i'm actually going to wait for linux to fully install...which could be @12:30am, and then i will have to play for a while (and i thought the laundry was going to take a longer time, even after reorging it into some type of order).
Linux wins. i will pay for it tomorrow when the alarm goes off at 4:30am!
Cheesysteak reviews on google maps! Pat's, Geno's...more info on that to come...