OK....zagat rated, i don't care! i'm going to start a service rating! how it tastes and is presented may be one thing to you, since this is america, but service and accomodation will make me a lifetime customer! that's the Egalitarian way! although, in France...you can't have it your way...as experienced from a denial of crepe b/c of the ingredient request of bacon, egg, cheese and nutella. it was about the sweet and salty man!

ok...so, it's not about their food...once again, it's about the service. i hate being "that" customer that makes the workers cringe when they enter the store. especially service jobs, having done customer service involving food for a number of years in my teens and some 20's, this was a disturbing experience. mostly b/c the girl serving me couldn't pull out of the unhappy situation. she asks what i want, and i tell her ,"2 doz bagels, and 2 dozen donuts".
she then asks me what kind of cream cheese i want and i say,"regular and strawberry." then, i proceed to ask what other flavors there are.
she answers,"we have others."
i ask again,"What other flavors are there?
she goes,"We have 4".
so, it was time to say,"What are they?!" from that point on, i was "THAT" customer. the basic point is, listen closely and respond approriately. if there is a misunderstanding, pull out of it quickly, it's not worth ruining your whole shift over. what makes it worse, is that i showed up at 6:30am, so her shift had probably just gotten started. poor girl. well, she has one more chance to let it go tomorrow morning when i show up again asking for 2 doz bagels and 2 doz donuts! hahaha....
so, between that and the ill-setting pizza denial...and then it was mixed with a lil pms and being slain in the mind to the heart from the prince from another kingdom...tues was a real winner of a day!
however, it was redeemed that night with an incredible encounter with God! it's amazing how crud from the day disappears so suddenly when your with Him! tuesdays craziness and chaos were a great reminder of how broken, sick and needy i am of the perfect love for me!